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  • Published Date

    August 8, 2023
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The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discriminatory actions taken BECAUSE OF someone's Race or National. Origin, If you have been denied the opportunity to rent a dwelling, obtain a mortgage, secure an appraisal, or attain insurance, and you suspect the denial was based on your Native American heritage, REPORT IT DISCRIMINATION IS ILLEGAL Montana Fair Housing 1 (406) 782-2573 1 (800) 929-2611 Montana Relay: 711 inquiry@montanafairhousing.org OR Department of Housing & Urban Development. 1 (303) 672-5437 1 (800) 877-7353 TTY (303) 672-5248 The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported in part by funding under a grant awarded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The authors and publishers are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements OPPORTUNITY and interpretations contained in this publication. EQUAL HOUSING The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discriminatory actions taken BECAUSE OF someone's Race or National . Origin , If you have been denied the opportunity to rent a dwelling , obtain a mortgage , secure an appraisal , or attain insurance , and you suspect the denial was based on your Native American heritage , REPORT IT DISCRIMINATION IS ILLEGAL Montana Fair Housing 1 ( 406 ) 782-2573 1 ( 800 ) 929-2611 Montana Relay : 711 inquiry@montanafairhousing.org OR Department of Housing & Urban Development . 1 ( 303 ) 672-5437 1 ( 800 ) 877-7353 TTY ( 303 ) 672-5248 The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported in part by funding under a grant awarded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development . The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public . The authors and publishers are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements OPPORTUNITY and interpretations contained in this publication . EQUAL HOUSING