Since 1991 Niehenke Welding, Inc. 406-433-1007 Over 97 Years of welding Experience .All types of welding, repair & supplies . Large selection of steel bolts . Truck and trailer springs . Beet pullerrims .Metric bolts Feed mixer parts and service .B&Wtrailer hitches .New CNC Plasma Table Ross Rosaaen 312N. Central Ave. . Sidney, MT Since 1991 Niehenke Welding, Inc. 406-433-1007 Over 97 Years of welding Experience .All types of welding, repair & supplies . Large selection of steel bolts . Truck and trailer springs . Beet pullerrims .Metric bolts Feed mixer parts and service .B&Wtrailer hitches .New CNC Plasma Table Ross Rosaaen 312N. Central Ave. . Sidney, MT